John R. Hoffman is a Professor of Biology, public speaker and a scientist examining the recovery of the nervous system after injury. Since 2006 he has written several unpublished manuscripts and he is currently working on the first Nathaniel Smythe novel and short story collection. He spends his spare time with his family and running.

06 Introduction to Ethics


By the end of this lecture, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain the way that ethics and morals direct an individual’s actions.

General Introduction to Ethics

This mini-lecture is a general introduction to the field of ethics and provides the foundation for the study of specific ethical systems later in the course. The handout for this presentation can be downloaded and printed.


Chapter 1 What is Ethics. Pojman & Feiser (2009) Ethics: Discovering RIght and Wrong, pp. 1 – 13.

Assignment: Overriding Principles
Watch the youtube video of Gregory Peck as General Douglas MacArthur addressing the Corp of Cadets in 1962.  Within your small  group, discuss what principles you think should be supreme and always followed.  Are there any instances when even these highest principles should be set aside?

Previous: 05 – Thinking and Acting as a Scientist

Next: 07 – Ethical Relativism and Moral Objectivism